Green Deal DC Haarlemmermeer
Minister Verhagen of the Ministry Economic Affairs and Climate Policy officially signs the Green Deal for DC grid project DC=DeCent in Haarlemmermeer.

The Initiative
On June 14, 2012, the project DC=DeCent includes a unique and sustainable electricity grid on the basis of Direct Current (DC) in the Haarlemmermeer. An electricity grid on the basis of DC significantly reduces both the number of conversions of energy as well as the energy loss due to conversions, and makes it possible to balance the grid. Energy generation takes place with local CHP co-generation, which is controlled by a management system for regulating the demand and supply of electrical energy. This local DC grid will outstep one or more real-property boundaries. Optionally, in the second stage of the project, Electric Transport (EV), the local DC grid will be connected to the main DC grid, allowing charging of the EV which will be controlled and fed by the greenhouses.
DC is a scientific and economic opportunity for the Netherlands and makes it possible to develop a unique, innovative knowledge market. The vast majority of all devices in homes, offices and electric vehicles are already working internally on DC. Even renewable energy sources like solar panels supply Direct Current. Since we live in a DC world and energy transportation still takes place in AC, there are continuous conversions from DC to AC and back from AC to DC. Each conversion is accompanied by energy loss in the form of heat.
In DC, these conversions are no longer needed, which saves energy. Accumulated over the entire chain, savings can reach 20%. The project DC=DeCent contributes to further accumulation of knowledge about this technology and, thanks to concrete experiences, offers insight into the social feasibility of the realization of DC grid systems in the Netherlands as well as abroad.
Performance by the Initiator
- The parties are committed to make the usage of energy-saving DC a common good in the distribution and generation.
- This project is one of the first steps to this end.
- The parties will endeavor to achieve standards and norms for DC technology.
- The parties will endeavor to make DC a standard field in higher technical education and will then support this field by giving lectures and readings.
- Direct Current BV will endeavor to pair up its DC knowledge with the developments within DC=decent. In particular, the knowledge concerns power electronics and knowledge of DC and the realisation of medium-voltage DC to low voltage DC converters in the infrastructure.
- Joulz will endeavor to design the energy infrastructure, and to build and maintain it. Also Joulz will stand ready, day and night, for clearing malfunctions.
- Siemens will endeavor to find solutions for the converter technology for the interconnection of AC and DC grids in medium-voltage DC (MVDC / MVAC), the demand-side and capacity management. If necessary, Siemens will also use its knowledge for electricity storage, automation systems and solutions for intelligent charging infrastructure.
Consideration by the Central Goverment
- In the project, one runs against legal and technical standards barriers, because the Dutch legislation is not designed for the use of DC. To break down these barriers, the parties appeal to the Government.
- With regards to measuring the supply and consumption of DC, the Central Government will endeavor to provide continuation of results of the experiment which can be applied on a broad spectrum. The joint grid managers will be asked to investigate whether and how standards for the supply and measuring of DC should be inserted into the technical codes.
- The government will - using the results of the experiment - through a so-called sponsorship of standards aid private parties to allocate standards for DC.
- Using the results of the experiment, the government will endeavor to eliminate any obstacles to obtaining an EAN code, so that exchanging energy on business level is possible.
Parties Involved
Direct Current B.V., Siemens Netherlands N.V. and Joulz B.V.
About Green Deals
The Dutch government supports sustainable economic growth, or ‘green growth’, by stimulating sustainable innovation. This has a positive economic impact (growth and jobs) and avoids harm being done to the climate, water, soil, raw materials and biodiversity. Companies, community organizations and other government bodies that want to take steps towards sustainability sometimes encounter barriers. Central Government can help them overcome such barriers by closing a Green Deal with other parties. In this way, the Green Deal approach aids the implementation of sustainable initiatives.
The Green Deal approach in the Netherlands is an accessible way for companies, other stakeholder organizations, local and regional government and interest groups to work with Central Government on green growth and social issues. The aim is to remove barriers to help sustainable initiatives get off the ground and to accelerate this process where possible. The Green Deal approach forms part of the green growth policy and is a joint initiative by the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK), Infrastructure and the Water Management (I&W) and the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).
The Green Deal approach is one element in a standard range of policy instruments. It is used to supplement existing instruments, such as legislation and regulation, market and financial incentives, and measures to stimulate innovation. The Green Deal approach is particularly suitable when innovations are actually put into practice, a phase during which projects often encounter barriers. Green Deals bring Central Government closer to companies, stakeholder organizations and interest groups. They give government a more readily identifiable presence and the other players a clear point of contact.
A Green Deal is a mutual agreement or covenant under private law between a coalition of companies, civil society organizations and local and regional government. The deal defines the innovative initiative and the actions involved as clearly as possible (in quantitative aims or output, if possible) and it defines the input by the participants involved as clearly as possible. In the period between 2011 and 2014, 176 Green Deals were closed in the Netherlands, involving a total of 1,090 participants. Green Deals cover nine themes: energy, the bio-based economy, mobility, water, food, biodiversity, resources, construction and the climate.
More details about the project can be found below.