DC Flexhouse

Developing a method for replacing the traditional AC infrastructure in homes with DC technology.

Last update on 18 January 2023
Dc flexhouse

DC in Homes

The aim is to have a plug-and-play installation method that creates a competitive alternative to current renovation projects in terms of both costs and lead time.

Direct Current BV supports:

  • ABB in the development of components and mutual interconnectivity,
  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences in the bottom-up vision development for DC at district level.

Transition to a Sustainable Energy System

The transition to a sustainable energy system presents challenges for many sectors. DC technology promises to offer solutions to many of these challenges. However, few components are still available for the built environment where interconnectivity is still a big question mark. In addition, there is no prospect of a way to install cost-effective DC installations in existing buildings.

The project results in a method for adapting electrical installations to DC installations for homes including new components / products. Special attention is paid to the final cost of this adjustment to stimulate homeowner purchases. There is support for DC from consumers as well as current and future professionals. In addition, such DC installations widely used in homes have a positive effect on:

  • integration and use of renewable energy sources
  • energy efficiency in homes and offices
  • the controllability of energy flows in homes; this smart network brings self-sufficiency within reach
  • the business case of owners of renewable energy generation installations in the event of the loss or modification of the existing netting scheme; and the congestion management on the existing electricity grid, which means that planned grid reinforcement can be greatly reduced.

Source: www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/projecten/dc-flexhouse

Project Partners

DC-Flexhouse is made possible partly by a subsidy from the TopSector Energy and is implemented by the following partners:

  • Direct Current B.V.
  • EPM
  • Buurtcoperatie Vrieheide
  • IBC-Solar Schinnen
  • Zuyd Hogeschool Limburg
  • Haagse Hogeschool
  • ABB
  • Siemens