DC Domestic Appliances
Converting the power supply of existing equipment, such as induction hobs, hot air ovens, refrigerators, etc. to 350V DC.

The Domestic Appliances project involves the implementation of smart DC technology that is able to control energy flows - actively influence supply and demand - and using the generated energy directly to, for example, heat water and store it to be used later in the evening to cook, do the dishes etc.
This prevents large-scale electricity network reinforcement with the additional social costs. At the same time, with this solution, the share of sustainably generated energy can grow as generation and consumption take place more simultaneously. For example, an electric car can be used as a buffer, both for absorbing and supplying energy.
DC Appliances
Direct Current B.V. develops the DC technology for the smart DC microgrid that connects the users directly to the solar panels that generates the DC energy and the store it in batteries. The technology also ensures safety and controllability of the smart DC grid.
Project Partners
DC Domestic Appliances is made possible partly by a subsidy from the TopSector Energy and is implemented by the following partners:
- Direct Current B.V.
- ABB B.V.
- ATAG Nederland B.V.
- University of Applied Sciences The Hague
- DC Opportunities R&D B.V.
- Simulation Research
- DC Foundation Netherlands