Generated power of local CHPs linked to a management system for regulating demand and supply of electric energy.

In the project DC=Decent, the linking is realized by means of a small-scale network on the basis of Direct Current (DC), wherein the real-limit is exceeded. In addition, the Electric Vehicle (EV) is being linked to the network, through which horticulture is able to manage the charging of the EV.
This offers the following opportunities:
- Strengthening the energy function of horticulture.
- New revenue model for horticultural companies.
- Reduction of additional costs of the infrastructure for EVs.
- For the continuation beyond the pilot phase, a business case for the bridge restaurant along the A4 highway, which adjoins the horticultural area.
- Option for permanent pilot site on DC.

Small scale network
MVDC/LVDC Converter
Within the IPIN program (Innovation Program Intelligent Networks), DC=Decent is a part of the research and development projects developing a DC/DC converter from of a medium voltage to low voltage.

MVDC LVDC Converter schema
These converters are multifunctional in the following areas:
- DC power for data centers
- Link with storage possibly combined with a BMS system
- Solar panels parks
- Chargers for EV
The latest techniques are used for these converters and they are now digitalized. As a result, the behavior becomes fully parameterizable which makes DC very safe to use.
Innovative DC
We have developed a DC to DC converter that converts +/-7kV or +/-14kVdc to +/-700Vdc. For the converter, the starting points are:
- Efficiency >98%
- Redundant
- Compatible with LVDC infrastructure
- Compatible with MVDC infrastructure
- Modular set
- Interchangeable while in operation
- Power 50 or 100kW per module
- Communication between distribution network and locally is seperated
- Power meters and registration
Sustainability in the Greenhouse
This DC=DECENT project is connected to our previous project DC and Sustainability in the Greenhouse. For DC=DECENT a DC user is required to demonstrate this pilot project. In order to test DC infrastructures we have chosen for the horticulture in a closed environment. The current test location is Bouvardia Grower Vreeken.
At the moment, there are 51 fixtures of 600W installed to test the demo in scale 30kW DC to make the next step possible. In the next phase, the project will be expanded to 1MW growth light. This is made possible in co-operation with the organization Duurzaam Bedrijf Haarlemmermeer
Solar Heading
Research is taking place together with Solar Green Point for linking their solar meadows of 2MW peak to our DC grid in order to increase the efficiency of the PV system and thereby strengthening the business case of the solar meadows further more.
- Publication by RVO Nederland of the Ministry of Economic Affairs: PDF in English: Smart Grid Pilot Projects – Results as of September 2015 - Local electricity grid on DC voltage (DC=Decent)
- PDF in Dutch: Proeftuinen Intelligente Netten (IPIN) Resultaten September 2015 - Decentraal elektriciteitsnet op gelijkspanning (DC=Decent)
- Article Minister Verhagen of the Ministry Economic Affairs and Climate Policy signs Green Deal for DC grid project DC=DeCent: Green Deal DC Haarlemmermeer
- PDF Publication by Ministry of Economic Affairs: IPIN - Decentralised DC power network (May 2012)
Project Partners
- Direct Current BV
- Hellas Rectifiers
- Joulz
- Siemens
- DC Foundation Netherlands
- Stallingsbedrijf Glastuinbouw Nederland