Publication of "Groot gelijk: de toekomst van gelijkspanning in Nederland"
(Translation: "Quite right: the future of DC in the Netherlands")
Current Insights lead to book on DC
DC: Until recently, an almost forgotten word in energy. But DC is becoming increasingly topical, for example in energy transportation more HVDC connections are upcoming and also USB connectors for small users, and sustainable generation of solar electricity. Moreover, new technical developments lead to more and more electronics in the energy grid. Electronics simply work on DC.
After a DC congress early this year and the launch of several DC pilot projects - including in housing and public lighting - the growing demand for more information is now leading to the publication of a book about the current state of affairs around DC.
A Nuanced Picture
In the book ‘Groot gelijk – De toekomst van gelijkspanning in Nederland’ (translation: 'Quite right - the future of DC in the Netherlands') science journalist Jos Wassink outlines a current and balanced picture of the trends, opportunities and the growing support. He also compiles the different opinions of diverse people from, for example, political, sciencific, and business field, such as interviews with Member of Parliament Stientje van Veldhoven (D66) and Marjan Minnesma (Urgenda - Sustainability Agency).
Free Digital Edition
The e-book, which has been made possible by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (, Direct Current BV and Joulz/Eneco, is available for free (in Dutch) on the web site of DC Foundation.