Luminext Exclusive Distributor of Smart Public DC Lightings

October 7, 2015
PRESS RELEASE - Luminext BV has signed today an agreement with Direct Current BV for exclusive distribution of DC products for smart public lighting.

Last update on 01 February 2022

Direct Current BV is the expert in innovation in the field of direct current (DC) and in the development of DC-solutions for the renewable energy market. Luminext BV specializes in solutions for the smart management and control of public lighting (smart OVL). Today both parties have put their signature to the distribution contract for the Benelux Union (The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxumburg). Henceforth Luminext BV will be the exclusive distributor for all DC products by Direct Current BV for smart public lightings. Luminext BV delivers to all market participants.

The coming years, Direct Current BV will concentrate on the innovation and product development in the areas of DC. With her extensive knowledge of the market needs, Luminext BV takes the sales and distribution for its account, as well as the development of the smart management and control software.

Henk Walraven, director of Luminext BV: "We have been working closely together for a long time to develop DC products and now we have completed together several DC projects for municipalities and industrial sites with great success. So we see our further cooperation with absolute confidence. "

"We believe that all public lighting electricity grids will soon operate on DC."

Sustainable and Lower Cost

Harry Stokman, Director of Direct Current BV: "DC has the future in the renewable energy market. With DC, you need far fewer components for energy conversion. 60% less copper and 50% less power units, less sensitive electronics and less thick cables. Which is more durable and much cheaper. In addition, the maintenance costs are lower, because the equipment is placed at the bottom of the lighting pole in stead of in the lighting fixture. The risk of short circuit is zero. DC works well in combination with dynamic smart lighting and LED lighting that makes enormous energy savings possible. "

Innovative DC Products

AC-DC-converters have been developed by Direct Current BV which are installed in the power supply unit. Integrated in the lighting poles, DC-DC converters convert 350 volts to 60 volts, making the poles safe for humans and animals. Also, Luminext BV and Direct Current BV put smart OVL products in the market to control LED lighting, for reading sensors, and for communicating signals. In this way, lighting can be customized for usage: a high level lighting when needed, and dimming light if possible. That saves energy.

Solar Energy

Stokman and Walraven are enthusiastic about the benefits of DC in combination with renewable energy: "We are making increasingly use of solar energy and the beauty is that it is connected directly to the DC smart grid. This eliminates kilometer long transport with all the losses that come with it. Solar energy can therefore be directly used locally in a DC smart grid".

"We have chosen Luminext, because we want to create a level playing field within the Benelux Union." - Harry Stokman

For more information, visit Pilots Public lighting in four municipals and Luminext BV.