Holtraf Lecture on DC by Harry Stokman
19 April 2011
TESLA vs. EDISON, or in technical jargon, alternating current (AC) vs. direct current (DC).
Download the article/summary (in Dutch) on the Holstraf lecture by Harry Stokman in the Magazine Intech E&L Elektrotechniek in June 2011.
Holtraf theme day "AC vs DC"
The central question on the theme of the day: AC versus DC, which is organized by the association Holtraf (Dutch Transformers Manufacturers) in Nieuwegein, is Which form of electric current brings us further into the future?
The preservation of raw materials in our world is unstoppable. Scarcity of raw materials will force us to put everything in the development of sustainable electric power generation, transportation and use of energy. What is the most efficient form of energy? Should we use centralized or decentralized power generation? Should we concentrate our focus on solar energy, bio-energy, or wind energy? And so on. These and many other questions will be discussed during the interactive afternoon.
Holtraf invites you to attend the theme afternoon on April 19, 2011 in Nieuwegein. The theme of this meeting, AC/DC, which holds very different opinions between the AC and the DC adversaries, will strongly engage the minds of producers to end users. In their presentations, our speakers will portray their opinions on how our future energy supplies will be given form. After the presentations subgroups will be formed to discuss the conclusions of the previous speakers. This AC/DC theme afternoon is a must for anyone involved with electric engineering!
- Mr. ing. Harry Stokman – Hellas Rectifiers BV and Direct Current BV
- Mr. dr. ir. Sjef Cobben - Power Lab at TU - Eindhoven